Leanne Dehaan

We met Leanne in a street market in Milan and asked her a few questions.

So Leanne… How was Milan from the top of the Duomo?
I went together with my mom with sundown, it was beautiful! Definitely recommend to go around that time of the day. It was about time to be honest. I’m working in Milan for four years now but this was my first time on top of the Duomo.

When you’re off duty, what mostly takes up your time?
I’m really a family and friends person and I also love to spend time in nature. So when I’m back home, I spend a lot of time outside with my animals (dog and cat). Catch up with my friends from Holland or quality time with family.

You’re passionate about street markets. What’s your favorite one in Milan and what’s the vintage piece you want so bad right now?
I like to go to Viale Papiniano. It’s next to Darsena, every Tuesday and Saturday. The best day to go for me is on Tuesday. I never go there with something in mind because you never know what you’ll find, it’s always a surprise.

What’s the soundtrack of your free days?
I don’t have a specific artist I listen to all the time. But I do have a list on Spotify that I made with almost all my favourite songs that I listen to every day.

Three words to describe you?
Kind, open-minded, determined.